By Mark Kimmich
Hamilton, Ontario — September 24, 2012 —TowShow 2012, the Provincial Towing Association of Ontario’s annual trade show and meeting, took
- One of the entries from the Tow Truck Beauty Pageant at TowShow 2012.
place this past weekend inHamilton. The event gives towers from around the province the chance to talk shop, show off their equipment, compete in some towing related events and recognize those individuals who have made a difference in the industry over the past year.
Doug Nelson, the PTAO’s Executive Director, was happy with the way the show turned out. “The show went very well,” says Nelson. “It was very well attended and everyone seemed very pleased generally.”
While Nelson says that there is no way of tracking exact numbers for the show, he did say “it appeared to be better attended than in past years.”
TowShow 2012 included an awards banquet where major awards are handed out to deserving members of the towing community. The 2012 recipient of the Towman of the Year Award was Hans Hansen of Hansen Towing inBrampton, Ont. “Unfortunately, Hans was unable to attend the banquet, but he was definitely deserving of the award,” said Nelson.
Another award was handed out to a tower who played a crucial role in saving the life of a woman trapped under her car in an accident on Highway 427 in March. Steve Matchett of Lyons Towing had to delicately use experience, expertise and a trusty piece of equipment to lift a tractor–trailer off of a flattened Mazda that had a trapped mother of two beneath it. For his part in the rescue, Matchett received the Towman of Recognition award.
Nelson, who said that they will begin the selection process for next year’s venue within the next couple of months said that “everyone was very happy with Towshow taking place in Hamilton this year.”
For more information on PTAO, please visit