Inquiry scheduled to examine Nadarasa towing death

By Avi Patel

Hamilton, Ontario — August 21, 2013 — An inquest has been scheduled to look into the death of a man following a collision with a flat-bed tow truck on Hwy 403.

Deputy Chief Coroner for Inquests William Lucas made the announcement Friday.

Jeyakumar Nadarasa, 32, died on January 24, 2009 having crashed into a flat-bed tow truck operated by Ron Taylor, 36. Taylor was found not guilty of criminal negligence causing death.

The inquest will examine the events surrounding Nadarasa’s death and will look into safety issues regarding tow truck operations in Ontario, with the jury possibily making recommendations directed at preventing similar deaths.

The inquest, to begin at 9 a.m. on Sept. 23, 2013, is expected to last five days and will hear from approximately 16 witnesses. It will take place at the John Sopinka Court House, located on 45 Main St. East in Hamilton. Jack Stanborough will preside as inquest coroner and Karen Shea will be counsel to the coroner.

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