Straight to Voicemail: PTAO says Ontario Government continues to ‘ignore requests’ to meet, discuss tow truck industry standards

Thessalon, Ontario — The Ontario Government has yet to meet with the Provincial Towing Association of Ontario (PTAO) to discuss standards and reform to the province’s tow truck industry, the industry organization wrote in an open letter on May 14. “The PTAO has made numerous requests to meet with the Premier of Ontario to discuss solutions […]
Emergency Ignorance: Another roadside collision as drivers fail to slow down for towers

Toronto, Ontario — Just weeks after the death of Ontario tower Todd Burgess, who died in a roadside accident on Nov. 7, the Canadian towing community is reporting another near-fatal roadside collision on in northern Ontario. The incident was reported on Nov. 22 on Hwy. 11 in northern Ontario. Two tractor-trailers following the tow truck allegedly […]
Go Slow for Tows: CAA gives warning after towing collisions

CAA South Central Ontario (CAA SCO) is reminding motorists to “slow down, move over” after two tow trucks have been struck by motorists while working in the GTA. “This has been a very troubling week for all of us at CAA. Everyone deserves a safe place to work–even on the side of the road,” wrote […]