By CTAR StaffCochrane, Alberta — September 24, 2014 —The Cochrane man pegged a “superhero” earlier this month by RCMP may soon bear witness to justice as the October court date of a would-be tow truck thief draws near. As reported by various news sources, the Sept. 8 incident began just like any other early morning job when Big Hill Towing operator Brody Leimer was setting up to tow a stalled SUV along the TransCanada Highway, near the Morley Reserve. The 23-year-old was sitting in the partially rigged vehicle when an impaired Aaron Omeasoo-Stephens, 20, climbed into the driver’s seat of the tow truck and hit the gas. With both vehicles flying down the highway at 65 kilometres per hour, Leimer climbed out from the SUV, made the leap from its hood to his truck before entering through the passenger door and into the cab. Leimer then hit the brakes and forcibly removed Omeasoo-Stephens from the vehicle. The suspect was later arrested and charged with impaired driving, operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol level above .08, two counts of theft exceeding $5,000 and driving without a licence. Omeasoo-Stephens was released on bail and is set to appear in Cochrane Provincial Court on Oct. 7.

Towing Toils: New provincial tow regulations limiting training and service capacity, say Northern Ontario operators
Ottawa, Ontario — Tow operators in Northern Ontario have reported complications with the new industry requirements imposed on July 21,